Human Development Facts

Did you know?… Facts culled from UN Human Development 2002 report .A sampling… • There have been great improvements in human political and civil rights: since 1980, 81 countries have taken significant steps in democratization, with 33 military regimes...

Politics matter for human development.

Reducing poverty depends as much on whether poor people have political power as on their opportunities for economic progress. UN Report on Human Development 2002Democracy has proven to be the system of governance most capable of mediating and preventing conflict and...

Something to think about…

According to one calculation, each European cow is subsidised to the tune of $US1 ($1.80) a day, which is the same amount the poorest 1.2 billion people on the planet have to live on every day.PROTECTIONISM IS FOR RICH COUNTRIES July 13, 2002  AUSTRALIA July 11, 2002...