Pope’s resignation

The Vatican Radio website has full text of the pope’s statement today. Here it is in full: Dear Brothers: I have convoked you to this Consistory, not only for the three canonization, but also to communicate to you a decision of great importance for the life of...

Pope’s Lenten Message

For the full text of the Pope Benedict XVI’s Lenten Message, go to: http://www.zenit.org/article-36460?l=english Cardinal Robert Sarah Says Message Focuses on ‘Compelling Relationship Between Faith and Charity” VATICAN CITY, February 01, 2013...
Pope tweets for Life

Pope tweets for Life

Benedict XVI took a break from his regular tweets to take a stand in more controversial matters, and offer his support for theMarch for Life, which will take place on Friday, January 25 in Washington, D.C. Reaching out to his nearly 2.6 million followers, he...
Pope App now live

Pope App now live

The Catholic News Service reports. ” The Vatican launched a new “Pope App” on the eve of the release of the pope’s World Communications Day message, which will be dedicated to social networks as important spaces for evangelization. The new app provides live...