Pope’s First Encyclical

Pope’s First Encyclical

Rome Reports writes….Lumen Fidei, or the ‘Light of Faith’ is the title of Pope Francis’ first encyclical. The document, which reflects on the ‘Year of Faith’ was started by Benedict XVI when he was still Pope. After his resignation,...
Francis and Vincent

Francis and Vincent

Once again one hears echoes of Vincent in the preaching of Francis on this feast of St. Thomas The Pope reflected on the life of St. Thomas, whose feast day is celebrated on Wednesday. He explained that the apostle was full of doubts, before seeing Jesus Resurrected...

Pope’s first Encyclical due July 5th

http://en.romereports.com The Vatican announced that Pope Francis’ first encyclical will be titled ‘Lumen Fidei,’ which translates to ‘The Light of Faith.’ The encyclical was started by Benedict XVI when he was still Pope. Francis...
What Benedict stored, Francis scatters

What Benedict stored, Francis scatters

What Benedict stored, Francis scatters…Some Reflections on the Papal Transition An address by Fr. Thomas Rosica  to over 500 Catholic journalists and those working in Catholic Media in Canada and the United States at the Presidential Medallion Awards Luncheon of the...
Pope on rigid and superficial Christians

Pope on rigid and superficial Christians

At his morning mass the Pope spoke of the superficial and the rigid ‘masquerade’ as Christians.  There are people who “masquerade as Christians,” and sin by being excessively superficial or overly rigid, forgetting that a true Christian is a...