Your virtual presence at WYD?

Your virtual presence at WYD?

Pope Francis says… “Even if you are not traveling to Brazil, you can still participate in WYD.” With a full crowd in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis led the Angelus prayer on Sunday afternoon. In light of his trip to Rio, the Pope asked...
Pope calls in experts

Pope calls in experts

( Pope Francis has approved a new Economic Commission, which will be in charge of assessing the economic and administrative structure of the Holy See. The Commission’s members are experts and businessmen of all nationalities. The main goal is to...
Two million person flash mob for Pope

Two million person flash mob for Pope

RomeReports  – World Youth Day wants to take the world by surprise. So among other events, on Sunday July 28th, an enormous flash-mob is being organized, featuring two million dancers. Its creators have even produced a video explaining the various dance steps,...
Vatican YouTube page

Vatican YouTube page

This  Vatican YouTube channel offers news coverage of the main activities of the Holy Father Pope Francis and of relevant Vatican events. It is updated daily. Video images are produced by Centro Televisivo Vaticano (CTV), texts by Vatican Radio (RV) and CTV. This...

The Francis Factor

The Editorial Board of Our Sunday Visitor Newsweekly, 7/7/2013 writes.. Call it the Francis factor, the Francis effect or a “new Vatican springtime,” but a new energy is in the air — and it’s floating on a breeze coming from the Domus Sanctae Marthae, where Pope...