Pope – Day of prayer/fasting for peace

Pope Francis has called for a day of fasting and prayer for peace in Syria, in the entire Mideast region, and throughout the whole world to be held this coming Saturday, September 7th, 2013. Speaking ahead of the traditional Angelus prayer with pilgrims gathered in St...
Vincentian perspectives on violence

Vincentian perspectives on violence

Given all the blood that is being shed today it might be easy to forget that Vincent was not no stranger to bloodshed and war. So it is legitimate to ask “What would Vincent do” (WWVD) or better yet, “What did Vincent do?” We are blessed with...
Tell me your friends….

Tell me your friends….

People Jesus associated with In Jesus’ time there were: People exploited by an unjust system. Growing unemployment. Impoverishment and growing debts. Powerful rich people who were unconcerned with the poverty of their brothers and sisters. Social tensions and...