by John Freund, CM | Apr 14, 2011 | Vincentian Family
Calling all Vincentian artists and wannabes! How about doodling for Zafen. sponsoring a doodle contest. “Doodle Something Good in the World.” If you think Zafen is doing something good in the world and like to doodle, try your hand! the...
by John Freund, CM | Apr 2, 2011 | Vincentian Family
In a year when microfinance has been scrutinized like never before, Zafèn, has raised $350,000 in its inaugural year to fund business and social projects that generate sustainable economic development inHaiti. More than 500 projects across Haiti received an...
by John Freund, CM | Mar 28, 2011 | Vincentian Family
We’ve got GREAT NEWS from the Vincentians. They are going to match all loans and donations made on during its ANNIVERSARY WEEK, April 1 – April 8, up to $25,000. That DOUBLES the impact of your contribution to Haiti! What a great way to celebrate! Visit...
by John Freund, CM | Mar 27, 2011 | Vincentian Family
From Zafen … HAITIANS ARE THIRSTY FOR CLEAN WATER! Your donation can give families in Cayes-Jacmel a ceramic clean water filter certified as the best way to purify water if it isn’t boiled. This project will provide safe drinking water to as many rural families...
by John Freund, CM | Mar 27, 2011 | Vincentian Family
These “mom and pop” philanthropists are proving that micro-aid philanthropy can make a difference in people lives. It is a style of philanthropy called micro aid – Reginald Amide, a student from St. John’s University in New York City, helped to organize a Haiti relief...