Elizabeth Seton’s way of loving

The Spanish language site Somos has posted an article “Elizabeth Seton’s way of loving” which was originally found on the site of the New York Sisters of Charity. Much has been written and said about the many deep relationships that St. Elizabeth...

Putting the Saint Back Into Valentine’s Day

Losing your head, literally, to help couples celebrate their love! Beheading is the price Valentine paid many centuries ago. According to legend, he was a priest in Rome during the reign of Emperor Claudius II and his title as the champion of romantic love came as a...

Vincent – spirituality and love

J. F. Gazziello, CM writes that for Vincent  the true meaning of the religion of Jesus Christ: God is love and wants us to go to him through love (CCD:I:81). In formulating this “creed” that reveals the true face of God, Vincent was influenced by the words of Saint...