by John Freund, CM | Aug 25, 2011 | Vincentian Family, Vincentian Marian Youth
The Society of St. Vincent dePaul website shares the material distributed at the Vocation Fair during th e recent celebration of World Youth Day. (Click to enlarge) As a historical note it may be worth remembering that initially Vincent did not want to use the letters... by John Freund, CM | Aug 15, 2011 | Vincentian Family, Vincentian Marian Youth
Once again the exuberance of Vincentian Youth on display with these photos from the closing Fiesta. Dressed in traditional costumes of each region, nearly 2,000 people celebrated the final event of the Vincentian Family gathering prior to WYD. If you can read... by John Freund, CM | Aug 13, 2011 | Vincentian Family, Vincentian Marian Youth
The leadership of the Vincentian Marian Youth is making Spanish language chronicles from Madrid. Here are the first two in English translation provided by famvin. WELCOME TO YOUR HOUSE Madrid, August 12, 2011 In the chapel and sharing prayer. Thus began the reception... by John Freund, CM | Aug 13, 2011 | Vincentian Family, Vincentian Marian Youth
These days all roads lead to Madrid… even for the Pope. So our Vincentian youth have gathered in Madrid. The largest linguistic group, not surprisingly, comes from Spain with next largest being English-speaking, Portugese and Italian speaking. They are... by John Freund, CM | Aug 1, 2011 | Daughters of Charity, Vincentian Family, Vincentian Marian Youth
The international site of the Daughters of Charity presents a video in p;reparation for the gathering of Vincentian Youth in Madrid for World Youth Day. The video is available in multiple languages.