by John Freund, CM | Nov 5, 2014 | Sisters of Charity, Vincentian Family
“We’re in the habit of making a difference!” This quote from an older Sister of Charity of Cincinnati appears in this month’s edition of E-Voc. It seems entirely appropriate to offer this as an indication of what these sisters are doing year round to promote... by John Freund, CM | Oct 28, 2014 | Sisters of Charity, Vincentian Family
I was a stranger and you welcomed me by Janet Gildea. A story with many levels of meaning… two Sisters of Charity from different Congregation, the hospitality of the New Jersey Sisters of Charity for a teacher and human rights activist in Sudan and the sisters...
by John Freund, CM | Aug 5, 2014 | Sisters of Charity
The Four Pillars of Service By S. Janet Gildea (View or download the full issue of E-Voc August 2014_evoc) Catholic Volunteer Network identifies four pillars of service for the longterm programs many young adults choose after college: Community Life, Spirituality,...
by John Freund, CM | Jun 4, 2014 | Sisters of Charity
In a kind of tale of two paths “Dying and Rising: Discernment and the Pascal Mystery” S. Janet Gildea shares the intersecting lives of Casey and Annie. Listening to Annie and Casey as they prepared talks for a young adult retreat, we all agreed that the... by John Freund, CM | May 5, 2014 | Sisters of Charity
This is the question in the lead article of the llatest issue of E-Voc, the electronic newsletter from the Vocation Team of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati for single women wondering what new thing God is calling forth in their lives. May 2014_evoc (PDF) In...