by John Freund, CM | May 17, 2009 | Justice and Peace
“The Story of Stuff”, a 20-minute video presenting a brief, provocative way of drawing students into a dialogue about how buying a cellphone or jeans could contribute to environmental devastation , has become a sleeper hit in classrooms across the... by John Freund, CM | Aug 12, 2008 | Church, Justice and Peace
“…environmentalism has emerged as perhaps the most distinctive new feature of Benedict XV’s social teaching” writes respected commentator John Allen. Benedict touched upon the environment seven times during his July 12-21 trip to Australia,... by John Freund, CM | Jun 20, 2008 | Daughters of Charity, Justice and Peace, Vincentian Family
Sr. Zenaida Gan, Daughter of Charity and staunch environmental advocate, is challenging a coal-fired power plant in the Philippines. She is explaining to the residents the harmful effects of coal-fired power plants, especially the emissions of lead, mercury and other... by annaread | May 23, 2008 | Justice and Peace
A heirloom seed sanctuary supported by the Sisters of Providence of Saint Vincent de Paul is a finalist for the Canadian Environment Awards is a project. The sanctuary specializes in “open-pollinated” seeds, seeds that allow a bio-diversity generally... by annaread | May 15, 2008 | Justice and Peace
A plan designed to encourage use of solar energy is, in effect, a regressive tax, according to the manager of policy and research for the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in Victoria (Australia). Solar energy is a good idea; having poor households subsidize richer...