by Beth | Aug 30, 2005 | Disasters and Responses, News
WASHINGTON, D.C., AUG. 30, 2005 ( The U.S. bishops’ conference announced that a National Collection for Hurricane Relief will be taken up in the 195 Catholic dioceses throughout the country. Bishop William Skylstad, president of the conference, made...
by Beth | Aug 10, 2005 | Disasters and Responses, News
7 months after the Tsunami tragedy in Asia, it is time to get a further update on the Society’s actions. The General Assembly held in Salamanca last month was the occasion to do so; this issue of Asi@news will remind you what has been done so far, at international...
by Beth | May 10, 2005 | Disasters and Responses, News
Tuesday 29 March, 2005 letter of Sr Anne (Provincial Superioress of Indonesia), to Sister Evelyne, (our Superioress General) with news from our Sisters in Indonesia.”Dear Sister Evelyne, Monday 23 March 2005 at 11.25 pm there were an earthquake in Sumatra and...
by Beth | May 4, 2005 | Disasters and Responses, News
On April 22, the St. Vincent de Paul Society (SSVP) organized a get-together in Salamanca, with representatives of AIC, Daughters of Charity and the Congregation of the Mission, to exchange points of view towards an effective collaboration in favor of the victims of...
by Beth | Mar 18, 2005 | Disasters and Responses, News
The Superior General writes…. I would like to share with you an update of the situation in Southern India and the Solidarity Project. Below you will find a report from Fr. Sebastian Anthikad, who is Director of Social Works of the South Indian Province of the...