Vatican using soccer to promote coexistence

Vatican using soccer to promote coexistence

Scholas Occurentes is an international network of schools that the Vatican launched, supported by Pope Francis, to promote a culture of coexistence and respect between different cultures, protect the environment and to foster cooperation over competition. Lionel Messi...

Francis and dialog

“Dialogue is born from an attitude of respect for the other person, from a conviction that the other person has something good to say. In order to dialogue it is necessary to know how to lower the defenses, open the doors of your house, and offer human warmth.”’...
FAMVIN posts on Pope Francis

FAMVIN posts on Pope Francis

It has been a momentous week following the elections and installation of Pope Francis. The following posts were among the most visited on Pope Francis and St. Vincent Cardinal Bergoglio’s Lenten Letter, 2013 Pope’s prayer for Cardinal electors A Vincentian...
Scenes from “Dialogue with Islam”

Scenes from “Dialogue with Islam”

Over sixty Vincentians from 37 countries  journeyed to Pohsarang in Indonesia to join the Catholics in celebration of Sunday Eucharist. Yakobis Surabaya presents a musical interlude capturing scenes from the symposium of interreligious dialogue with Islam in Pacet,...