Catholic Campaign to End the Death Penalty

While the U.S. Catholic bishops have been calling for an end to the use of the death penalty for 25 years, this new Campaign was launched in March of 2005.The impetus for the Campaign was the anniversary of the first comprehensive U.S. Catholic bishops’ statement on...

Australians Called to Reneounce Death Penalty

SYDNEY, December 19,2003 ( The Chairman of the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council, Bishop Christopher Saunders, has urged Australian politicians condoning the use of the death penalty in overseas jurisdictions to think...

John Paul II Backs Campaign Against Death Penalty

ATICAN CITY, NOV. 30, 2003 ( John Paul II added his voice in support of the renewal of the international campaign against the death penalty. Before bidding farewell to the pilgrims gathered today in St. Peter’s Square to pray the Angelus, the Pope...