by John Freund, CM | Oct 28, 2011 | Justice and Peace, Poverty: Analysis and Responses
Catholics Confront Global Poverty, sponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and Catholic Relief Services, offers a webinar (an online discussion) exploring how youth can engage in faith-filled, responsible participation in the life, mission and... by John Freund, CM | Sep 22, 2011 | Congregation of the Mission, Vincentian Family
In an article, “The Social Conscience Of Vincent De Paul”, some may see perhaps surprisingly similarities to situations today in various countries around the world. Â Fr. Greg Cooney, CM, currently Provincial of the Australian Province, provides us with... by John Freund, CM | Sep 3, 2011 | Vincentian Family
“We will see how Vincent de Paul, his teaching and his life were centuries ahead of the Church’s magisterium.” Thus writes  Sister MarÃa Pilar López, DC and she offers proof in a very insightful and challenging article “The Prophetic Dimension of the... by John Freund, CM | Aug 22, 2011 | Justice and Peace
“National Programs That Serve Those in Need are At Risk”  – Joe Flannigan, National President SVDP USA,  reminds Vincentians that Congress is in recess until September 7 and their senators and representatives are back home. When they return to... by John Freund, CM | May 26, 2011 | Justice and Peace
More than two dozen bishops from mainline Protestant denominations sent a letter to Congress today denouncing proposed Republican budget cuts as “morally indefensible. This is on the heels of letters from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to Congress as a...