by John Freund, CM | Jan 19, 2009 | Congregation of the Mission, Vincentian Family
As the Congregation of the Mission celebrate its Foundation Anniversary, let us remember our founder St. Vincent de Paul with our works and life with the poor. Dandy Labitag has put together another video on GodTube.
by John Freund, CM | Jan 15, 2009 | Congregation of the Mission, Justice and Peace, Vincentian Family
Revised website of the Congregation of the Mission at the United Natios is now available. “Together with other humanitarian and religious NGOs, Vincentians work for the realization of a more just society where people can live lives free from fear and want. In...
by John Freund, CM | Jan 9, 2009 | Congregation of the Mission, Vincentian Family
Fr. Robert P. Maloney CM, former Superior General, powerfully captures the concrete reality of “Vincentianâ€holiness in Vincent de Paul, Louise de Marillac, Frederic Ozanam, Rosalie Rendu, Elizabeth Ann Seton and others. Indeed, our Vincentian Saints are like...
by John Freund, CM | Jan 6, 2009 | Congregation of the Mission, Spirituality and Spiritual Practice
Fr. Robert Maloney, CM offers his thoughts about some lesser known qaulities of Saints in the Vincentian Family. The saints are human like us. In order to accent the humanity of our Vincentian saints, I want to focus on a few of their very human qualities.
by John Freund, CM | Jan 1, 2009 | Congregation of the Mission, Vincentian Family
New Year’s Day is an anniversary of inauguration of Polish Vincentians in New England. January 1, 1904 first three priests were introduced to St. Stanislaus church in New Haven, CT. This event started the history of New England Province and the New Haven parish...