by John Freund, CM | Mar 22, 2014 | Poverty: Analysis and Responses, Spirituality and Spiritual Practice, Systemic change
CLM is part of a systemic change project in the Vincentian Family. Former Superior General Robert Maloney describes a Haitian Initiative “Pathway to a Better Life” in an earlier famvin post. The following piece from Fonkose describes the reaction of a graduate.... by John Freund, CM | Jul 27, 2013 | Systemic change, Vincentian Family
As part of an ongoing series of updates about systemic change projects in the VIncentian Family, former Superior General Robert Maloney describes a Hatian Initiative “Pathway to a Better Life” CHEMEN LAVI MIYÒ (CLM) is a very successful, exciting program that works... by John Freund, CM | Dec 30, 2011 | Vincentian Family
“This is by far the biggest match we have done through Zafèn,” according to the Rev. Robert Maloney, C.M., chair of the Vincentian Family Board for Haiti. “The largest previous match was for $30,000, so we’re delighted at this stretch.” It will be a happy 2012 in... by John Freund, CM | Sep 27, 2011 | Vincentian Family
Chemen Lavi Miyò (CLM), “Pathway to a Better Life”. It is an outstanding program set up by our partner in Haiti, Fonkoze, with a 95% success rate in helping participants acquire the skills needed to emerge from poverty. Participating families are the poorest of the...