Pope’s Lenten Message 2011

Benedict XVI is proposing a journey with the Word of God this Lent and a deepening in the mystery of baptism. The Pope’s Lenten Message was released with a theme from Colossians: “You were buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with...

Nuns model U.S. Jewish immigrant story

They traveled across the ocean to a new country with an unfamiliar language. Unwelcome in existing institutions, the pioneers built their own charities, immigrant services, schools and hospitals and advocated for political rights and social justice. This may sound...

The challenges of World Communication Day May 14

The theme of this year’s World Communications Day – The Priest and Pastoral Ministry in a Digital World: New Media at the Service of the Word – is meant to coincide with the Church’s celebration of the Year for Priests….The world of digital communication,...

The Church and Wikipedia

Wikipedia aims to make information free, and the Church aims to proclaim the truth. Though their perspectives are different, there is room for cooperation, according to Zenit.