How Jorge chose Francis

Reuters reports in an article “Pope Francis wants Church to be poor, and for the poor”… “(The Pope) recalled how on Wednesday night, as he was receiving more and more votes in the conclave, the cardinal sitting next to him, Claudio Hummes...
What young Catholics want

What young Catholics want

The church young Catholics want As a young Catholic who works with many young Catholics, Annie Selak, offers these thoughts in a Washington Post piece. A church that takes our experience seriously A church that emphasizes the inclusive ministry of Jesus A church that...
Bono – church role in  Debt Forgiveness

Bono – church role in Debt Forgiveness

Bono: Catholics Should be Made Aware of How Their Church Helped Secure Debt Forgiveness A CNA/EWTN article describing Bono’s comments about the Catholic Church’s pivotal role in the debt forgiveness of and how it helped build schools reads in part: Vatican City, Nov...