Holy Week in two minutes

Holy Week in two minutes

For anyone wanting a quick answer t why Catholics wave palms on Palm Sunday; wash each other’s feet on Holy Thursday; or kiss the cross on Good Friday? Look no further than Busted Halo’s® two-minute video that describes the final week of Lent we spend preparing...
Spiritual side of the Oscars

Spiritual side of the Oscars

A spiritual side of the Oscars? The folks at Busted Halo offer some insights  about “Lincoln”, “Life of Pi”, “Silver Linings Playbook” and “Zero Dark Thirty” via a series reflecting on the spiritual side of the cinema....
Ash Wednesday, Lent in 2 minutes

Ash Wednesday, Lent in 2 minutes

Looking for a quick way to explain Ash Wednesday to your friends? Look no further than Busted Halo’s® two-minute video that describes the day which begins the season of Lent, and why Catholics and many Christians receive ashes on their foreheads. First released for...
Busted Halo on cinema spirituality

Busted Halo on cinema spirituality

Busted Halo writes…Ever wonder where God is in cinema these days? Well perhaps you haven’t seen a handful of this year’s Best Picture nominees. Beasts of the Southern Wild, Les Misérables, and Life of Pi are inherently spiritual films dealing with themes of...