by John Freund, CM | Nov 18, 2013 | Uncategorized
A former Jesuit seminarian and former Managing Director of JP Morgan, Chris Lowney offers insights into Francis’ leadership in this CNN piece When Pope Francis was put on laundry duty. There is much food for thought… and practice here. (CNN) – Every day,...
by John Freund, CM | Jun 27, 2013 | Church
In order to help Catholics around the world learn more about Jorge Mario Bergolgio, now Pope Francis, Cathnolic-link has worked together with Catholics from around the world produce this 4 minute video in 15 languages. See the video here:...
by John Freund, CM | Apr 7, 2013 | Pope
And what we might expect… A fascinating look at Pope Francis’ thought about the Church from a pre-conclave speech given to his then-brother cardinals, has been released with his permission on Radio Vaticana. The following points are from the  Popes own...
by John Freund, CM | Apr 5, 2013 | Pope
EWTN’s exclusive 15-minute interview with Cardinal-Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, now Pope Francis. Conducted just six months ago, the future pope discusses His Holiness Benedict XVI’s call for a Year of Faith, Latin America as a...
by John Freund, CM | Mar 19, 2013 | Pope
Francis “will be a great Pope”: Clelia Luro de Podesta weighs in on the new pontiff Maybe to the new generation of Christian militants accompanying the slum priests, Monseñor Jerónimo Podestá’s name doesn’t mean much. But those who have been...