by John Freund, CM | Jul 11, 2009 | Church, Justice and Peace, Poverty: Analysis and Responses
Education for Justice has produced a very useful map or outline of the pope’s recent encyclical. Caritas in Veritate (pdf). See also John Allen’s shorter list of the some of the key points…Pope proposes a Christ humanism… Benedict says the...
by John Freund, CM | May 21, 2009 | Church
Benedict XVI is encouraging a “positive” use of communication technologies so that friendships created through them can help make the world a better place. The Pope said this today at the end of the general audience when he spoke in English about this...
by John Freund, CM | Apr 12, 2009 | Church
Homily at the Easter Vigil Easter Homily Ubi et Urbe Message
by John Freund, CM | Apr 4, 2009 | Church, Justice and Peace
“…while most world leaders these days fret over the middle class, the financial sector, ailing auto companies, and so on — all, of course, utterly legitimate concerns for elected officials — the pope has been striking a different, and badly...
by John Freund, CM | Feb 8, 2009 | Church
“For this year’s Lenten Message, I wish to focus my reflections especially on the value and meaning of fasting. … We might wonder what value and meaning there is for us Christians in depriving ourselves of something that in itself is good and useful...