by annaread | Feb 3, 2008 | Poverty: Analysis and Responses
Look to the church. That’s the development proposal of some church-run charities in Australia. It isn’t a matter of taking property away from other uses; it is a matter of making use of what now lies unused. A word that comes to mind is...
by sjs | Jan 30, 2008 | Poverty: Analysis and Responses, Systemic change
Microcredit pioneer Muhammad Yunus has written his second book, Creating A World Without Poverty. The book outlines his concept of a “social business” serving the needs of the poor, and is critical of those who call themelves social entrepreneurs, but who...
by sjs | Jan 28, 2008 | Church, Poverty: Analysis and Responses
The U.S. Bishops have sent a letter calling on Congress and the President to work together “to find effective ways to protect the poorest families and low wage workers from financial hardship during this economic downturn.” Read the letter.
by annaread | Jan 27, 2008 | Poverty: Analysis and Responses
The World Economic Forum closed today. Its Web site includes links to videos, summaries of the sessions, and publications of the Forum, including their “Global Risk Report” for 2008. Visit the site or go directly to the page of risk reports.
by John Freund, CM | Jan 27, 2008 | Poverty: Analysis and Responses, Systemic change
Nicolas Kristof writes about young social entrepreneurs making a difference around the world. He calls them “some of the most interesting people here at the World Economic Forum (not only because they’re half the age of everyone else).” Read...