by John Freund, CM | Mar 9, 2008 | Poverty: Analysis and Responses
A former garment factory supervisor in Dhaka, Bangladesh has introduced the concept of the workplace-based daycare center to Bangladesh, persuading garment factory owners to provide low-cost childcare centers in their factories by demonstrating that workers become...
by sjs | Mar 8, 2008 | Poverty: Analysis and Responses
Plunge2Poverty simulations challenge middle-class presuppositions about poverty. The Texas minister who created the program finds that participants experiences a “new humility and gratefulness that is overwhelming.” Read the story.
by John Freund, CM | Mar 2, 2008 | Featured, Poverty: Analysis and Responses, Systemic change
The Mirror Art Group (MAG) helps hill tribes – relocated from the mountaintops to the foothills of northern Thailand – fight poverty, unemployment, lack of education, malnutrition, drug abuse, trafficking of women and children, loss of land rights, withholding of...
by annaread | Feb 25, 2008 | Poverty: Analysis and Responses
Microsoft and Starbucks call home the urban area of Seattle Washington USA — and so does Unitus, an organization that has sought to leverage the strengths and opportunities of microfinance around the world. Unitus provides start-up capital for microfinance...
by John Freund, CM | Feb 24, 2008 | Featured, Poverty: Analysis and Responses
Moving from scavenging dangerous refuse heaps . . . to recycling trash into treasures. Urban waste disposal is an enormous problem – waste often piles up faster than cities can remove it. celebrates a pair of social entrepreneurs in Bangladesh who...