by John Freund, CM | Sep 17, 2012 | Poverty: Analysis and Responses
The “Nuns on the Bus” are hopping off the bus temporarily to jump on the Staten Island Ferry. Sister Simone Campbell and other Sisters plan to tell New York elected officials that we do not want the federal budget balanced on the backs of struggling families....
by John Freund, CM | Sep 14, 2012 | Poverty: Analysis and Responses
Bread for the World asks “What Do Obama and Romney Have to Say About Hunger and Poverty?” This summer, the Christian leaders comprising the Circle of Protection invited President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney to submit short video statements on how...
by John Freund, CM | Aug 27, 2012 | Poverty: Analysis and Responses, Vincentian Family
We offer the people of Akamasoa and Father Pedro Opeka, CM our prayers and encouragement. Akamasoa Center was attacked by 10 bandits early Saturday morning on August 18, 2012. The bandits were armed with guns and swords. They demanded the whereabouts of Father Pedro...
by John Freund, CM | Aug 27, 2012 | Poverty: Analysis and Responses, Sisters of Charity
Churches and charities have fallen into the bad habit of creating programs to help the poor when in reality the only people they are helping are themselves, creating a toxic charity that needs to be reexamined and fixed. In a groundbreaking book, “Toxic Charity:...
by John Freund, CM | Aug 27, 2012 | Justice and Peace, Poverty: Analysis and Responses
Australia’s peak community welfare body, ACOSS, has put its strong support behind the National Anti-Racism Strategy launched in Melbourne today by the Australian Human Rights Commission, alongside key ministers and many other major organisational backers of the...