by John Freund, CM | Feb 23, 2013 | Justice and Peace
Interfaith Worker Justice and comprehensive immigration reform The goal: Reform America’s broken immigration system The time to reform our broken immigration system is now. More than 11 million undocumented people are living in this country, including children...
by John Freund, CM | Feb 23, 2013 | Sisters of Charity, Vincentian Family
Weekly Justice Highlights Empowering Women: Urge Internationaldonors to Somalia and HassanSheikh Mohamoud, President of Somalia to adopt a zero tolerance policy for human rights abuses committed by Somalia’s security forces, and to ensure women are...
by John Freund, CM | Feb 8, 2013 | Justice and Peace, Sisters of Charity
Weekly Justice Concerns of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Challenging Unjust Systems:  Urge Chinese officials to stop the execution of Li Yan who is on death row in China for murdering her husband after repeated hideous abuse and futile pleas to police...
by John Freund, CM | Feb 2, 2013 | Sisters of Charity, Vincentian Family
Weekly Justice Highlights January 31, 2013 Empowering Women: The Violence Against Women Act (S. 47) continues to need reauthorization and would empower women worldwide.  Urge U.S.Representatives to co-sponsor and support this legislation when it comes to a vote (call...
by John Freund, CM | Jan 25, 2013 | Justice and Peace
Benedict XVI took a break from his regular tweets to take a stand in more controversial matters, and offer his support for theMarch for Life, which will take place on Friday, January 25 in Washington, D.C. Reaching out to his nearly 2.6 million followers, he...