Australian Vinnies Concerned for Mentally Ill

SYDNEY, February 19, 2003 ( Sr Myree Harris, president of the NSW St Vincent de Paul advisory committee for the care of people with mental illness, told a Sate Government inquiry that “experts from all government departments and from non-government...

SSVDP 'Save the elderly from loneliness'

Public National Day of the St. Vincent de Paul Society in Italy – 2002: “Save the elderly from loneliness” is the message on the full-sized billboards. On the billboards the hands with colored fingers symbolizes the event, which is rescheduled for...

''Vincentian Ministry at the United Nations''

“In his address to the General Assembly in July of 1998, the Superior General, Fr. Robert Maloney, indicated that the Congregation had begun the process of seeking “recognition at the United Nations as an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) so that we...

Vincentian Partners for Justice in UK

On Tuesday, 3rd December, Daughters of Charity, Vincentian Fathers and other members of the Vincentian Family joined the DEBT-ON-OUR-DOORSTEP campaign organised by Church Action Poverty (CAP) to  lobby Parliament for: Greater support for credit unions Tighter...

Presentation by CM Representative at the UN

Vincent’s Spirit – Food for a Journey – Fr. Joe Foley, CM If someone were thinking about being a Vincentian in any of our Communities and asked any of us in this room to say something about who we are, perhaps we would say: We are a Community with a...