Action Alert – US Conference of Bishops

The poverty of billions of men and women is “the one issue that most challenges our human and Christian consciences.” Pope John Paul II, World Day of Peace, 2000The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and Catholic Relief Services are urging you to join with...

DC’s in Britain Join Religious Lobby in Parliament

On the 18th May Daughters of Charity from the British Province joined 1,000 Religious men and women in lobbying Parliament as part of the British MAKE POVERTY HISTORY campaign. They came from the four corners of Britain to emphasise the moral imperative which the UK...

Report on the Work of the CM at the UN

In this first report I tried to communicate the scope of the work of an NGO Representative and to give something of a “feel” for the work itself. Advocacy work happens most effectively when it is done in committed working groups that produce products that...