The FAMVIN Digital Network

famvinThe Vincentian Family is a movement made up of more than 160 institutions and some 4,000,000 people who follow Jesus Christ, serving the poor, as did St. Vincent de Paul, St. Louise de Marillac and many other believers who, over the last four centuries, have enriched the Vincentian charism.

The FAMVIN Digital Network serves the Vincentian Family with news, media, formation resources and more. Learn more about who we are and what we offer.

Articles from the Famvin News Archive

CM at UN Offers Reflection on Iraq Situation

Father Joe Foley, CM,, Congregation of the Mission NGO Representative at the UN has posted some food for thought on the website of the the Congregation's NGO Office. One part of the reflection can be found at the "Urgent" page Another...

Cardinal to Speak at Vincentian Family Gathering

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor will speak at the Vincentian Millennium Parntership conference this coming November.Sr. Maureen Tinkler, DC writes,.. "Here is a date for your diary if you live in the UK. The Vincentian Millennium Parnership and the Zaccaeus 2000 Trust...

Weekly refelctions for SSVDP Meetings

Sr. Kieran Kneaves, D.C. has graciously sent a copy of the weekly reflections she has prepared for use in meetings of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. They could also be used by other groups of the Vincentian Family. Visit...

Vincentian Spirituality Retreats/Programs

Be renewed in the Spirit of Charity. - Open to the Vincentian Family – religious, priests, associates and interested colleagues - Offered in variety of locations by New York Sisters of Charity Regina Bechtle, Mary Ann Daly and Mary McCormick. 1. Lenten Retreat Weekend...

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