The FAMVIN Digital Network

famvinThe Vincentian Family is a movement made up of more than 160 institutions and some 4,000,000 people who follow Jesus Christ, serving the poor, as did St. Vincent de Paul, St. Louise de Marillac and many other believers who, over the last four centuries, have enriched the Vincentian charism.

The FAMVIN Digital Network serves the Vincentian Family with news, media, formation resources and more. Learn more about who we are and what we offer.

Articles from the Famvin News Archive

Catholic Social Teaching on Treatment of Prisoners

Links to various statements from Catholic Social Teaching on the treatment of prisoners.Catholic Catechism: Torture: More on toruture Vatican perspective on Catholic Prison Ministry Pope John Paul II Jubilee 2000 Message See also US Bishop's statements Fact sheet of...

Social Justice Calendar 2005

To assist you in your planning for the coming year, the Education for Justice Web Site has produced a 2005 Calendar of holidays, holy days and important social justice dates. They will be highlighting these dates with educational resources for your use. Please note...

”God Goes Online”

CNN has a story about a cyber church. "It is the first 3-D online church service launched in Britain. "The ministers who preach have their sermons appear as cartoon-style "thought bubbles." "Worshippers can log on and put money in the collection box without ever...

Travelers Can Locate Wireless Hot Spots by Zip Code

For the increaing number of travelers with wireless-ready lap tops there is now a site that will identify free and fee wireless access hot spots in any given area of the world.WIRED.COM says "Search our directory to locate wireless service. You can browse by a...

May – The Month of Social Justice Encyclicals

The month of May marks the anniversaries of four of the great encyclicals of the Church's social justice teaching and the US Bishop's "Challenge of Peace.".For links to these documents and other events this month visit - Birthday of...

‘Poor paying for war on terror’

Some of the world's poorest people are suffering as a result of the war on terror, a leading UK charity has said. Christian Aid says the UK Government must halt a "dangerous drift" towards linking aid to fighting terror. The report cites Iraq, Afghanistan and Uganda...

Call for English Teachers in China

A Call to the Whole Vincentian Family Come, See and Teach in China In the Spirit of St. Vincent Recently Rev. Robert Maloney, C.M. wrote: “I am convinced that it is time to be more concrete in planning about our mission in China and to work actively at finding places...

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