The FAMVIN Digital Network

famvinThe Vincentian Family is a movement made up of more than 160 institutions and some 4,000,000 people who follow Jesus Christ, serving the poor, as did St. Vincent de Paul, St. Louise de Marillac and many other believers who, over the last four centuries, have enriched the Vincentian charism.

The FAMVIN Digital Network serves the Vincentian Family with news, media, formation resources and more. Learn more about who we are and what we offer.

Articles from the Famvin News Archive

Australian SVDP Visions the Future

SYDNEY, May 21, 2004 ( CathNews reports today on on the St Vincent de Paul 150th Anniversary celebrations - St Vincent de Paul members from around Australia will gather in Melbourne on Sunday for the Future DIrections Forum, designed to showcase the good...

SVDP Youth Experience a Different Australia

SYDNEY, May 23, 2004 ( This week in The Catholic Weekly's St Vincent de Paul Feature, Angela Titmuss and Cheryl Seeto from the Society’s Youth Team share their experiences from a recent visit to the remote Australian Aboriginal community of...

Blessed Marc Antonio Durando, CM

Special issue of VINCENTIAN devoted to articles on the life and times of Blessed Marc Antonio Durando, CMAmong the articles... A Short Life of Blessed Marcantonio Durando, C.M. (1801-1880) (A group of Nazarene Sisters) A Humble and Impassioned Witness to the Gospel...

VIncentian to be canonized Sunday

According to the Zenit News Agency, a Vincentian is among the six people to be canonized Sunday!  Gianna Beretta Molla, who accepted the risk of dying rather than undergo a medical treatment that would have caused an abortion. “The fruit of her faith was reflected in...

Correction to Maloney Article on Eucharist

Some have graciously reported that there seemed to be something missing in the article referenced earlier today.The correction has been made and you should be able to find the entire article now at

Current issue of Vincenpaul Now Online

The international web site of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul has posted some new material on its pages. Among the changes you will find links to the online version of their International journal VINCENPAUL and notification of the pending release of the definite...

“Work Document” – General Assembly of the CM

The official "Working Document" for the 40th General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission is now available on-line.The theme for this Assembly is "Our Vincentian Identity today, having lived the new Constitutions for 20 years: evaluation and three challenges...

Tax Cuts Would Divide Australians

SYDNEY, May 12, 2004 ( The Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS)  today responded in detail to the tax cuts announced in the federal Budget warning that they would weaken Australia and divide Australians.  "The $4 billion a year tax cuts would...

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