SYDNEY, November 14, 2002 :  The 2002 edition of Oceania Vincentian, a Journal of  the Australian Province of the Congregation of the Mission, has now been published and distributed within the Province.  Owing to costs, the Journal is not available to the public. ...

The Work of the DC in Angola

The Daughters of Charity have been in Angola since 1995. Four of our Sisters from North America collaborated for 3 years with the Catholic Relief Services that have links with Caritas, working on a rehabilitation project for the Hospital of Balombo. Their main work...

Fr. Maloney’s Advent 2002 Letter

I have just received the text of Fr. Maloney’s 2002 Advent letter. It is posted below. (The French and Spanish versions will appear shortly on their respective famvin site.)Advent 2002 To members of the Vincentian Family My very dear brothers and sisters,...