Date of the Beatification of Rosalie Rendu D.C.

On May 19, 2003, the Secreatry of State of the Vaztican told Father Robert D’Amico, the Postulator General, that the Holy See was pleased to announce that the beatification of Sr. Rosalie Rendu, D.C. (1786-1856) would take place on Sunday, November 9th, 2003.She...

Vincent de Paul – The Musical

At Folleville, (Picardy, northern France) where Vincent de Paul preached his first mission sermon in 1625,  a musical comedy “Vincent de Paul ……… et d’âge en âge, tout recommence…..” will be performed on August 14, 15, 16, 22, 23 of...

Ozanam – A Man Ahead of His TImes

“We belong to times when the image of Ozanam has met with renewed fame after his beatification during the WYD’s of 1997 in Paris. ” Thus writes Charles Mercier in the current edition of Ozanews.At least concerning France, this beatification has enabled the...

VINCENTIAN HERITAGE back issues available

The website of the Vincentian Studies Insitute has posted a list of it back issues and how to pruchase them.  Vincent de Paul Louise de Marillac Elizabeth Seton Vincentian Interests Vincentian Heritage Vincentian Heritage is a journal dedicated to promoting a living...