Daughters of Charity – 185 Years of Service

“We’ve been celebrating lots of jubilees in the British Province in recent weeks – silver, golden & diamond which means a lot of years of love & commitment. Congratulations to all concerned” writes Maureen TInkler,DC1. Golden Moment in...

Prayers for Mass of Rosalie Rendu

Tim Williams writes from Sarina, Queensland, (October 26, 2003): Some Vincentians and Daughters of Charity have asked about the Mass Prayers in English for Rosalie Rendu DC who is to be Beatified in November.  Information received from the CM General Curia is that for...

Love Means Service….To Love Is To Serve

A Reflection by Sr. Barbara DeMoranville, MSBT General Custodian of the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity On the Occasion of the Margaret Healy Leadership Assembly of the Missionary Cenacle Apostolate Holy Trinity, Alabama, March 29, 2003 As members of...

Vincentian Prepares Lay Led Liturgies

This series of Lay Led Liturgies is designed by Australian Fr. John O’Keefe, C.M., “mainly for people in outback areas where the people have no Prayer Books or Lectionaries. But they may help people everywhere and people are free to use them as they see...