Report from Istanbul

Fr. Franz Kangler, CM provides a first hand account of the attacks in Istanbul.Thank you for your prayers. We are still shocked by the two terroristic attacks. The bombing of the Neve Shalom Synagogue last Saturday was in our direct vicinity, many wounded were brought...

Collection of Resources on Rosalie Rendu

Deborah Payne of the SVDP “Voice of the Poor” site has compiled a fine list of resources related to the beatification of Rosalie Rendu.She has gathered in one place… – SVDP News Related to Sr. Rosalie – News Reports on the Beatification...

Help for Prescription Drugs – SSVDP

The national site of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul features a link describing “an excellent web site for helping people with prescription needs,  If the drug manufacturer has an aid program, this page tells you how to get into the...