Death of Catherine Labour̩ РDecember 31,1876

For further details see the text of the biography by Fr. Joseph Dirvin, CM.Catherine Labouré is mentioned at least twice on Vatican web site. Click to search Vatican documents for Catherine Labouré. Since some of these references are buried deep within the documents...

January Events in the Vincentian Family

Among the events of significance to the Vincentian Family during the month of January are the celebrations of the feast of Elizabeth Ann Seton (1/4) and the Foundation of the Congregation of the Mission 1/25/1617.Visit for...

Brazil – Home of the Most Vincentians

Renato de Lima of the Brazilian SVDP points out the approximately 40% of the world’s Vincentians are located in Brazil.This English language article can be found on their website. Go to the following page Once...

Calling All Vincentian Family Authors

We would like to put together a list of publications by members of the Vincentian Family during the last 5 or so years.Please send us the appropriate information – author, title, date, pulisher and maybe even reviews. I will try to compile these so that they can...