Using Theater to Spread the Message.

The current issue of VINCENPAUL has a fascinating feature on the SSVDP in Sierra Leone – Using Theatre to Raise Public Awareness Of the Activities of the Society. Other stories include…. The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul looking ahead to the 3rd...

New CM Visitors Meet in ROme

ROME, January 2004:  Nineteen new Visitors of the Congregation of the Mission participated in a six day meeting  in Rome with the Superior General from January 12-18.  The group discussed some important aspects of provincial administration, with “The Guide for...

SVDP-USA Gets New Associate Executive Director

Roger Playwin, National Executive Director of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul announced the appointment of Fr. Ronald Ramson, C.M. to fill the newly created position of Associate Executive Director for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s National Council,...

Sister of Charity Writes on Lent

Sr. Anita Constance, SC has written a number of extremely popular books centered on the liturgy and prayer. Her most recent is “Living the Days of Lent – 2004″Paulist’s best selling series of daily Lenten devotions uses scripture, prose...