JMV Leadership Activities

Having been invited by the National Council of the Marian Association (the name used by the JMV of Italy), with the objective of participating in the National Encounter for Priest Directors and Sister Advisors, Fr. Pedro Castillo went to Rome from April 15-18. On the...

SVDP in Australia Focus on Youth Formation

SYDNEY, April 25, 2004: St Vincent de Paul Society’s State Council develops a program for training youth in social justice and Vincentian spirituality. John O’Neill, in his feature headed A Focus on Spirituality in next Sunday’s The Catholic Weekly  (April...

A Plea to Consider Organ Donation

Henk De Cuiper CM writes… “I have known a Dutch confrere who lived for ten years with a French heart. It was because of heart transplantation. I was very happy for him that he had this possibility.” I would like the members of the Vincentian tree,...