Sisters of Charity (Nazareth, KT) Revised Web Site

The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Kentucky, have recently made a major revision of the their web site. This site ( is very attractive, easily navigated and informative. Perhaps of significant interest to the wider Vincentian Family are the...

Daughter of Charity as Massage Therapist

Pushing a cart with heated stones that came from the Dead Sea, bottles of scented oils and her cassette player is Sister Susan O’Neill, a member of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, ready to give a massage — sometimes to a person awaiting...

May Edition of NUNTIA of the CM Now Online

Due to an oversight the May edition of the international newsletter of the Congregation of the Mission is two weeks late in being published on the web.Among the news items is a report of the project to the Daughters of Charity to rewrite the directory used by the...

Ladies of Charity Plan Vincentian Family Cookbook

The Ladies of Charity USA (LCUSA) are planning a cookbook which they hope will be of interest to the entire Vincentian Family.”This cookbook will contain a brief history of the Vincentian Family.  As we acquaint our readers as  to who we are and what we do,  we...

Brothers of Charity Open Psychiatric Center

Legaspi, Philippines. May 13th 2004 has become a historic day for the Brothers of Charity in the Philippines. At the opening of a new psychiatric rehabilitation centre and the consecration of the formation house, seven young Filipinos took their first vows and the...