CM Archbishop Re-appointed by Benedict XVI

Pope John Paul II has appointed a Slovenian prefect of the Congregation for Religious and a Croatian secretary general of the Synod of Bishops.Archbishop Rode, a 69-year-old Lazarist priest, has previously served at the Vatican as secretary of the Pontifical Council...

VOYA – Vincentian Outreach Young Adults

We are a group of young adults energized by the Vincentian charism of service and evangelization. VOYA provides opportunities of spiritual growth and outreach to any young adult who wants to live and deepen their faith.VOYA stands for Vincentian Outreach Young Adults....

Andrew Greely and the Work of Vincent de Paul

… one has to ask how Catholic France ever was and whether the countryside was ever thoroughly converted to Catholicism — save in those areas in which Vincent DePaul did his missions.From an Andrew Greely article in the Chicago Sun times…...

Vincentians at Work in Alaska

St. Vincent de Paul and 18 other local organizations are members of the Juneau Homeless Coalition. By pooling their resources, they can address homeless issues from medical, educational, legal and housing perspectives. They serve infants to runaway teens to...