SVDP Shortfall in Ballina, Ireland

Despite the boom times in most areas and massive increases in spending, the St. Vincent de Paul Society in Ballina is paying out much more money than it collects in donations and its annual collection.St Vincent de Paul has big income shortfall in Ballina Last year...

SVDP Video

This video, 9 minutes in length, provides a quick insight into the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.”The Society” video was made possible by a grant from the Our Sunday Visitor Institute. This video is 9 minutes in length. Click on the link below to view it...

CCN Series – Tackling Poverty With Technology

Tackling poverty with technology is the theme of an article which is in a special CNN series devoted to Life-saving Technology. DIPICHI, South Africa (Reuters) — It is hard to believe that 19 shiny flat screen computers can cure the ills of this tiny community...