SVDP USA Offers Weekfly Reflections for Meetings

The National Office of the SVDP offers a series of weekly reflections designed for use in meetings during the last quarter of 2006.St. Vincent de Paul never wrote a book about his spiritual teachings. But we find the living voice of the saint in his letters and...

CM Updates Lay-led Liturgies

MARSFIELD NSW, August 22, 20006: Lay Led Liturgies, Reflections and Prayers of the Faithful provided by Fr John O’Keefe CM (Australian Province of the Vincentians) have now been updated to the Twenty Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (September 17th, 2006). These...

dePaul University Tops Princeton Review Survey

The Princeton Review, as part of its annual college guide to ‘The Best 361 Schools’ has a new ranking out today in which DePaul was ranked No. 1 in the nation for its ‘Diverse Student Population.’Fr. Holtschneider, CM, President of De Paul...