Irish, Outspoken and a Daughter of Charity

Sister Mary William is Irish, outspoken and a Daughter of Charity at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Central Austin.’God loves me unconditionally’ Sister Mary William: ‘And I don’t question his taste’ “My nephew says that I work in an...

Irish SVDP Fills Government’s Broken Promises

According to a report from the Society of St Vincent de Paul, it has privately funded more than 1,000 psychological assessments of children and young people, despite the fact that such assessments should be available to children free of charge through the National...

Jan. 4 – Feast of Elizabeth Ann Seton

A compilation of some of the resources available for celebrations of the feast of Elizabth Ann Seton in addition to those recently posted by Sr. Regina Bechtle, SCVincentian Encyclopedia Elizabeth Ann Seton Collected Writings Litany <a...

Updates for Vincentian Calendars

As we begin a new year this might be a good time to check the Planning Calendar link at the right of every famvin page not only to see what will be happending in the Vincentian family for 2007 and beyond but also add your own group’s national or internationsl...

Followers of Vincent To Gather in San Francisco

The third in a series of national gatherings of the followers of Vincent will take place in San Francisco, May 3-6, 2007 According to partipant’s evaluations the first two (St. Louis, and Princeton) far exceeded expectations and this one promises to do the same....