FAMVIN goes mobile! (And why)

FAMVIN goes mobile! (And why)

The English language portion of famvin has just converted to a mobile device format …phones, tablets, etc. (Don’t worry… it still works quite well on a desk top!) Since by the end of 2013  there will be more smartphones surfing the web than there...

What would Vincent do?

A thought-provoking post from Thomas Worcester Editor, ‘The Cambridge Companion to the Jesuits’ found on The Huffington Post. In the midst of a bitterly fought election campaign, on issues such as wealth and poverty and “entitlement” reform,...
$25,000 challenge grant for Haiti/Zafen!

$25,000 challenge grant for Haiti/Zafen!

The Vincentian Family will match your support up to $25,000.  Provide children displaced by the earthquake a safe home, regular meals, education, and extra-curricular activities such as embroidery, music lessons, and sports. Make your $1 contribution count for $2! The...