Scenes from “Dialogue with Islam”

Scenes from “Dialogue with Islam”

Over sixty Vincentians from 37 countries  journeyed to Pohsarang in Indonesia to join the Catholics in celebration of Sunday Eucharist. Yakobis Surabaya presents a musical interlude capturing scenes from the symposium of interreligious dialogue with Islam in Pacet,...
Colin Powell – Kids need structure

Colin Powell – Kids need structure

How can you help kids get a good start? In this heartfelt and personal talk, Colin Powell, the former U.S. Secretary of State, asks parents, friends and relatives to support children from before they even get to primary school, through community and a strong sense of...
Depaul UK – moving from homelessness

Depaul UK – moving from homelessness

Depaul UK in the North East is delighted to have been awarded £38,000 for a new service which will enable it to help young homeless people move out of homelessness accommodation and into private tenancies. The funding is has been awarded to three projects in the North...