Vincent De Paul’s Letter to Today’s Christians

An English translation of a piece which appeared originally in the Boletín Informativo, PP. Paúles Prov. Madrid, nº 264, julio-septiembre 2002, I, Vincent Depaul, unworthy priest of the Mission, dare address you, Christian men and women of a very advanced and highly...

Sisters of Charity and the Civil War

An account of the work of the Angels of the Battlefield” during the Civil War in the US. In the four years of conflict between these dates, our nation lost by death and disease 600,000 men. The task of caring for so many dying, sick and maimed men was an ordeal....

Evening prayer for the feast of St. Vincent

The site of the Irish Province of the VIncentians has posted an evening prayer service for the feast of St. Vincent September 27 (Scroll down the page a bit.) The same link will also lead you other fine prayer...

Kneaves Reflections for SSVDP meetings (Oct.-Dec.)

A continuation of the reflections prepared for use in SSVDP meetings during the months of October, November and DecemberThe document is available both in Word format and as a pdf file Word PDF...

New series of reflections for weekly SSVDP meetings.

In light of the immense popularity of her prayer service at the National Meeting of the SSVDP, Sr. Kieran Kneaves, DC of the National Office of the SSVDP has just made available her weekly reflections for use in SSVDP council meetings.This set of reflections covers...