Seeing as Vincent Saw – June 15-17

What is spirituality?  Spirituality is a way of seeing:  Life    – Creation    – Events    – People. The Vincentian Millenium Partnership is offer three days of reflection in the Vincentian tradition.As Christians our spirituality is rooted in the...

Vincent and Mary

Sr. Mary Wedding, a Sister of Charity of Nazareth, continues generously to share with us her translations of the correspondence course she is doing with Sr. Elizabeth Charpy, DC of the Paris Province. The latest addition is devoted to Mary. The index page for this...

Marian Resources for the Month of May

The University of Dayton, noted for it Marian Institute, has compiled a list of resources useful for Marian celebrations in the month of May. Among the resources… Liturgical Celebrations for Mary in May Mary Month – Why May? Ways to Celebrate Mary’s...

Ozanam on putting our hands in the wounds of the poor..

“the Poor: we see them with our human eyes; they are there, and we can put our fingers and our hands in their wounds . . . . And we should fall at their feet and say, “My Lord and my God.” – Frederic OzanamFr. Aidan Rooney, CM drew my attention to this quote...

Comprehensive Bibliography on Vincent

A reminder that there is a comprehensive bibliography of Vincentian materials available at the Vincentian Studies Institute web site.The page includes links to bibliographies of Vincent, Louise, International Resources and...

”Vincentian Women” Sr. Betty Ann McNeill, DC

The site of the Ladies of Charity USA presents Sr. Betty Ann McNeill’s 2000 presentation to their National Assembly on the topic “Vincentian Women”. Gathered together in a sacred place,  Saint Louis is holy ground for the Ladies of Charity of the...