Prayer in time of tragedy

Prayer in time of tragedy

A time of joyful hope was shattered by violence with the school shooting on December 14, 2012, in Connecticut. The Prince of Peace was once a child whose peers were slain by Herod’s senseless rage. Today, let us pray… Immanuel, God with us, As a babe, you were spared...
TextWeek goes mobile

TextWeek goes mobile

The Text This Week is a site that’s been around for a while, providing comprehensive resources for lectionary preachers and Church leaders.  Clicking on a passage will instantly give you access to commentaries (both ancient and contemporary), prayers, music...
Paul VI on Vatican II liturgy

Paul VI on Vatican II liturgy

The rejection of the Vatican II liturgy is a rejection of its ecclesiology and theology. In his newly published book True Reform: Liturgy and Ecclesiology in Sacrosanctum Concilium, Massimo Faggioli narrates Paul’s response when his philosopher friend Jean...
Mobile app for Advent calendar

Mobile app for Advent calendar

The annual Advent Calendar this year is both online and available as an App for your iPhone and Android mobile phones. Extremely popular with everyone but especially young people, youth groups and schools, this year’s calendar is packed with...
“The Poor in the heart of St. Vincent”

“The Poor in the heart of St. Vincent”

Celestino Fernandez writes… “I simply ask the listener or the reader to imagine for a moment Vincent de Paul, an elderly man, speaking to us about the memories of his heart and doing so as a type of indelible witness. Once again then he opens his heart to...