Initiate the reaction

Initiate the reaction

The Baptist does not let people mistake him for the Messiah. He knows his limits and recognizes them. There is someone mightier and more decisive than he. He is the only one that the people should welcome. The reason is clear. The Baptist offers them a baptism of...

Disconcerting account

Very different attitudes can be adopted before Jesus. The Magi account tells us about the reaction of three groups of people: pagans who, guided by a star’s tiny light, seek him; the representatives of the Temple religion who remain indifferent; the powerful King...

Women believers

After receiving God’s call announcing to her that she will be the mother of the Messiah, Mary sets out alone.  A new life in the service of her son Jesus starts for her.   She goes “in haste,” with resolve.  She feels the need to share her joy with her ​​cousin...

What can we do?

The preaching of the Baptist shook the conscience of many.  That desert prophet was saying in a loud voice what they were feeling in their hearts:  it was necessary to change, to return to God, to prepare oneself to welcome the Messiah.  Some approached him with this...

To make new ways

Over the centuries, the Baptist has become a call that keeps urging us to prepare ways that will allow us to welcome Jesus among us. Read more Read:  Our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we also await a savior (Phil. 3:20)