Cancer Linked to Poverty

NEW ORLEANS (AP) – Nearly 18,300 new cases of invasive cancer were diagnosed each year from 1988 through 2000 in Louisiana, according to a report released by the Louisiana Tumor Registry.More than 237,600 cases of invasive were diagnosed in that 13-year period...

Breaking the Circle of Homelessness

SYDNEY, August 15, 2004 ( John O’Neill in next Sunday’s The Catholic Weekly focuses on St Vincent de Paul Society’s recreational programs to assist in breaking the cycle of homelessness.During the recent Homeless Persons Week,...

Eradicating Poverty Through Profit

How business “can do good and do well at the same time” is the theme of a major international conference to be held December 12-14, 2004 in San Francisco.The conference will explore private sector solutions to poverty with keynote addresses and other...