Bush to Host Summit on Malaria

WASHINGTON (AP) – The White House will hold a summit next month seeking strategies for combating malaria, a largely preventable disease that kills 3,000 children every day and claims nearly a million lives a year in Africa. President Bush and his wife, Laura,...

Lving Wage Fact Sheet

Education for Justice has produced a short 2 page fact sheet on the issue of a living wage.It can be downloaded. Of interest to famvin subscribers is the fac the Blessed Frederic proposed a “natural wage” ssome 50 years before Rerum Novarum, the first ot...

SVDP Warns of Credit Card Debt

The St Vincent de Paul Society has warned that credit card customers who pay the minimum on their bills end up paying outrageously high interest rates. The charity also criticised the prominence given on credit card bills to the minimum payment credit customers must...